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Beet leafhopper ecology 

This webpage is dedicated specifically to the beet leafhopper (Circulifer tenellus) - the only known vector of beet curly top virus (BCTV) in California. Based on multiple grants, Dr Hyoseok Lee completed his postdoctoral research in my lab and afterwards became a post doc - before moving on. The research presented on this webpage is largely due to his extraordinary efforts and accomplishments.

Leafhopper trapping_05.JPG

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On the satellite image above, you can use arrows underneath months to "go back in time" and visualize predicted probability of beet leafhopper migration from coastal foothills into Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys. You can super-impose a layer of wind direction as well. This tool can be used to detect hotspots of beet leafhopper migration in the coastal foot hills and to assess risks of BCTV infection in crops grown the adjacent valleys. Dr. Hyoseok Lee has also demontrated experimentally that BCTV manipulate feeding preference of beet leafhoppers.


Click on illustrations to access research articles

Interview about fertilizers and host preference by pests. 

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