Nansen Lab
Cold plasma
Using a special jet, air (gas) is electrically charged and that breaks otherwise chemical bonds, so that highly reactive radicals ("species") are created. These ionized and highly reactive hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen radicals or species are blown and dissolved into water. This process is referred to as “plasma-treated water” or “plasma activated water” (PAW). Typically, PAW has lower pH, higher conductivity and salinity, and it is used to clean/sterilize surfaces. In crop production, PAW is also being promoted as an organic nitrogen fertilizer, to control diseases and arthropod pests, and to boost seed germination and seedling vigor. Commercial systems to produce PAW are already available.
Based on recent grant funding, we are conducting research on different applications of PAW, and we focus on the following: 1) PAW-effects on seed germination and seedling vigor, 2) PAW-effects on growing crops, and 3) PAW as a component in arthopod pest management.

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Cold plasma newsletters
Vol 1, Issue 1
Vol 1, Issue 2
Vol 2, Issue 1